Electronic Resource Management in Libraries

Author: C. Sean Burns
Date, version 1: 2024-02-14
Email: sean.burns@uky.edu
Website: cseanburns.net
GitHub: @cseanburns

This short book is based on a series of lectures for my course on electronic resource management.

About This Book

This book is not a comprehensive work to Electronic Resource Management (ERM). However, it is meant to introduce students to ERM work, and should be read along with the readings linked to in each chapter. The linked readings are updated annually.

This book will be a live document. The content will be updated each year that I teach my course on electronic resource management, which is generally each fall semester. Updates will address changes in the field and to edit for clarity when I discover some aspect of the book causes confusion or does not provide enough information.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.